Harry Dent And The Great Reset!
Harry Dent, the famous author, strategist and economist, discusses his core thesis with John Adams during his recent Australian tour.
Together they explore the underlying drivers, and possible outcomes.
Caveat Emptor! Note: this is NOT financial or property advice!! Some of Harry's suggestions may not be available or relevant in Australia.
See https://youtu.be/AJC3g67Zea4 for my recent conversation with Harry on Central Banks.
See https://youtu.be/WZ1rQNWQ5eg where John and I pose the question, will the central banks simply try to print their way out of a crisis as they did a decade ago, and what the potential consequences may be. This puts Harry's views into a broader context.
The John Adams And Martin North DFA Page: http://digitalfinanceanalytics.com/blog/adams-north/
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[Recorded on Friday 16th November 2018]